Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Higher Sporting Opportunities For Kids For the Future

Coaches may not know or rather even realise that kids sometimes feel pressured or don’t get enough opportunities to go professional or showcase their talent because they think that their system is really good.And it is good most coaches have a great system but there are things that they should do more like giving kids more opportunities and chances to also meet new people so they get used to it and also will help them in the future.

In some cases sports could end up bad as it could lower confidence,ruin self esteem and possibly injure themselves. However, they will never get chances or be able to become better or more confident if they aren’t given opportunities which is why I argue that there should be more sporting events organised to kids.
An important reason why kids should get opportunities is because, It is just another thing to have fun in and not only that but also when kids grow up if they are good and studies and sports, they could have 2 things they might do just incase one may not work out.

“We certainly encourage our children to read, write, and learn math.We don't think twice about making them go to school every single morning. Yet when it comes to sports (that can also be very valuable to their development) we shy away from one practice a week.” From the article, 10 Reasons Kids Should Play Sports by Shari Medini. Shari Medini is trying to convey that the fact that, sports are equally important and useful as math, reading or other intellectual subjects like that. She is trying to say that sports will help kids out a lot when they grow up possibly as much as studies would. It helps develop the child in sports and also mentally for many other things.I do agree that studies is really important as it has so many different aspects and so many highly opportunities for people but Sports also provide highly level benefits for kids for the present and the future. As kids they have a lot of fun and get better at it so it can help them meet new people and interact and as well as help them for future by giving them another path.For example if teens or anyone is good at intellectual subjects but also sports and for some reason one may not work out they have a fall back and a good one.Something they enjoy.And although not all kids like do sports which I agree with and not all of the have to, however the kids that do really enjoy it and kids who don’t should maybe give it a try.

Another important aspect to sporting events and opportunities is that it helps bond kids with others and also helps team building which will help people a lot in many circumstances.

People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defences, or the problems of modern society. Vince Lombardi, American Football Coach from the article

‘Psychological and Social Benefits of Playing True Sport’. Vince Lombardi is trying to make people realise or rather even convey that sports that involve teams will only will win if players play as a team.Which is why I stated the point earlier that helps bonds by team building and meeting new friends but also helps players learn more about being in a team.And he is trying to say that essentially a win will only come if players play together not as a bunch on individuals put into a game and are called a “team”.It is about the fact that they understand each other and know each other and play as one.I agree very well with this as it is obvious although there are players with great individual talents out there, and can showcase it eventually if it is a team sport it comes down to everyone together.And I also sort of agree that yes there will be times individuals will spark and try out things which is good and helps confidence but however it is a lot about the team and how a player can also contribute to the team's development and not just his. 

Another real life example is that I was at a football tournament and we would have presentations and other things like that to prepare mentally and tactically as well as physically for the game, and we would always reinforce the fact that it is about “surrendering the me for the we”, It really helps players and it definitely helped us always know that it is how we do as a team.So sports opportunities and competitions are good for team building and meeting newer people and its good for the present and future.

If kids get more opportunities they will learn more about physical activities which is very good and also academic success

Physical activity is the most obvious benefit of sports participation. Children often spend too much time watching television or playing video games. However, sports practices and games provide an opportunity for exercise that can help keep kids in shape and healthy, from the article why should kids play sports, by Amanda Davis. Amanda Davis is trying to say that kids should really take opportunities to join a club or start a sport and maybe go to games to learn and then play or do the sport. It will help them stay fit and help them be healthy which is good for the long run, in the future.It keep children fit to also be ahead of people and it will really come in help in the sport they are doing even when they grow up.I think it is very important to stay fit and active as I also do sports and all my friends and it really helps keeps kids and players more healthy and will also help them in other things people do, not just sports.Another good quote, It is no surprise that children who participate in athletics excel in academics as well. They can apply the same principles of dedication and hard work learned through sports participation to their studies. According to an article published on the website America, playing on a high school sports team increases a young woman 's chances of graduating from college by 41 percent, from the same article and by Amanda Davis. She is trying to convey that the amount of hard work and dedication and how much they try in a game or in sports helps keep that mentality for other things like academics and it will help boost academics as the proof given because people have the effort now to push themselves and use the same mentality.I think that it is very good and I do agree that because they love sports people might put effort there, however I argue that they have put in effort in sports and they know how it feels so if they could focus and also use it in other activities it could really help. And also it helps them feel healthier and better which is good for a other activities or rather all activities.

It really does matter when it comes to taking opportunities in sports. It is important to take them and make the best of them earlier as it will help in the long run.And I agree sometimes people don’t want kids to join sports too early however I argue that maybe parents should just ask them about it or if they like to do sports just put them in the first chance they get. Hence, to conclude Sports opportunities should be more frequent to kids, maybe by just adding a sports day, or maybe a few, also maybe just other tournaments to engage them as it will give positive outcomes.

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