Monday, March 21, 2016

Rules, Are They Good Enough?

The rules, they are a thing that can be restrictive or lose but what I noticed in our school, is that the rules don’t always keep students in mind and create rules that make it really hard for students by maybe not letting them go into class until 7:50 or not allowing computer in lunch or at other times, so schools should add some thing that lets students have a say in the rules presented by the school.

To state that I will be focusing on 2 rules in particular which I find many students annoyed at and would be happy if they were changed, the 2 I will be focusing on are the 7:50 rule and the technology use rules these are some rules that can be heard about in the community, and the fact is that both of these rules are not very popular and are considered by some to be unnecessary and yes they are there for a reason but that does not means the rules can not be modified.

First off the technology use rule. In school when we use tech we don’t use all that it has to offer in fact we use not to much of it and just use a couple off the apps on students computer then you restrict use during lunch and break so if you are in need to quickly finish homework you either have to try to find a way to do it without being caught, however when this is the case some teachers will let you off but others won't and if you can’t find a way to do it you might need to do it in a different class which is not as easily let off as finishing work during lunch, now while some of these rules like restricting use of them is to stop anti-socialism and I can see this I’ve seen a lot of anti-socialism out of tech however it should not stop students from finishing a task.

Next up, the rule that was brought in last year which I will be calling the 7:50 rule now this rule was introduced to stop students from coming up to the pod and make noise and the teachers stated that this was to distracting (or something details are not exact) but in most cases some students don’t care and will go upstairs anyways and when they do they’re all quiet and the teachers get work done fine, I’ve done this before and the teacher was fine but when one of the teachers found out that we did it often we were threatened with the possibility of suspension and that seems a little much for just coming up to escape the loud nature of the benches because most of us hang around there, most can consider it cramped and when you think that small modifications on this rule can make the life of the students so much easier

The rules in my books are needed but some of the rules can be too much and too restrictive and while they may have some good basis like the no tech during lunch rule while a good idea it has flaws which can be fixed and the 7:50 rule is similar and I think they need to have at least a small change to make these rules fair and they need to take into account what students do when these rules aren't active and with all this into account you can make these rules better.

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