Monday, March 21, 2016

Social Skill Subjects in School

Schools should think about having more social skills subjects in school to help kids get a better grasp on what life is going to be like when they grow up. Some people believe that social skill subjects will take away from other academic subjects, but I believe that by having a more social skill you can both improve your academics and your overall outlook on life. Social skills can teach you how to organize your time, manage stress and even how to help friends.

Humans need social interaction to live. Scientists have proven that humans can't live without other human interaction. For example, a while ago a king had set up an experiment where babies would be raised in isolation, they would get food and water and everything they needed but no one was allowed to talk to them. Every single one of them died. Humans need social interaction to live, it provides them with thought, feelings, and actions. Ever since humans set foot into the world they have been working together to make progress, and it's no different now. If you want to make it further in life you will absolutely need these skills. Humans need, we need each other to get further in life. But to do so we need teamwork, communication, and support. To some people, this comes naturally but to others, it is one of the hardest parts of life.

Moving towards the darker side of things, kids need to understand that everything they say to people has an effect. It’s kind of like a game of hangman, saying the right words can save a life, but saying the wrong things can end one. Kids need to understand from a young age that it is not ok to channel their anger towards someone, they need to understand that everyone is going through problems and that's just a part of life. Kids need to learn that once you say something it can only be forgiven and not forgotten. On the flip side of this kids need to learn not only how to help themselves get through tough times but also how to help other people. This will result in a more caring environment and a more exciting place for people.

For some kids reading, math or P.E comes easily, but one of their weak points is being social, and people skills. A lot of schools don't show it but later in life they will be using this skill more than anything else they learned in school, therefore having it not be taught doesn't help any kid later on in life, which is what school was built for. The school was built for learning, it was built for young immature kids can transform and be ready to tackle the real world. As a kid grows up they will be faced with a lot of turning points, for example, smoking, drinking, friends with depression or anxiety. They have to understand that they are not alone in the world and that life is a roller coaster, with ups and downs, and while you are riding it you want it to end but once it’s over you want to go back. They need to learn to make the most out of life. Some people think that schools do a good job in incorporating teamworking skills into everyday subjects, where as I think that schools could do a better job of focusing in on these skills. A longer term effect of this is that schools will be sending out kids that are motivated and believe that they are ready to make a difference. A lot of the times kids are taught that they don't have the skills and qualities to make a difference, but what they don't realize is they have just as big of a say on issues as everyone else. because after all we don’t know what our real purpose is, so we might as well help the world for the better.

In conclusion, schools should have more social skills subjects not only because they require it but also because they need to understand the effects and how to handle problems when they come at them. Although a lot of people think that kids have it easy I know that to kids their problems are really important and whether they are really big or not they should be taught how to handle them. Whether it be a friend going through a rough time, getting a bad grade or even just having a small fight with a friend. To a lot of kids their weak point is social skills and this could be a major problem as it means that they are setting out kids that think they are ready for the world but, in reality, they make it worse, kind of like an incomplete boat that looks like it’s complete but when you put it to the test it doesn't get anywhere.

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